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How to Add Meta Description to Each Post in Blogger.

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 11/07/2013 Categories:
A meta description is an HTML tag which is short term description of a web page or an article. In a search engine result, your meta description helps a visitor to make him to click or not to visit your site. Adding meta description makes him to know if your page/article is able to meet his need or not.
In Social bookmarking sites, meta description is usually used as the content,s snippets. Adding meta description increases the chances of being clicked on and helps to be shown on the first page of search engine results. You can use this SEO Tools to examine your content's meta tag description.
Please have a look to know what is meta description. The screenshot makes you clear about a meta description.

Adding Meta Description for Blogger Template:

To add a meta description for your homepage first, please, follow the instructions:
  • Go to blogger dashboard.
  • Settings>>Search Preferences.
  • Look for Meta Tags Section.
  • Click on "Edit" and then "Yes". (Please have a look at the screenshot given below).

  • Now, put your meta description into the box for your entire blog. 150 characters are allowed as a meta description. It's wise to write upto 150 characters or less.
  • Then, click on the "Save Changes".
The method (given above) is for writing meta tag description for your home page. But sometimes, while using custom blogger template, the above method doesn't work well. So, to overcome the problem you should have to insert a short code into your blogger template. To do this:
  • Go to blogger dashboard.
  • Template>>Edit HTML.
  • Find <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/> (by using ctrl+F).
  • Then copy the code given below and past it just after <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>

<meta content='YOUR KEYWORD' name='keywords'/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <meta content='YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION' name='description'/> </b:if>

  • Then, Save Template.
It was the steps to add a meta description for your homepage. And, you have successfully done it. Now, it's time to add meta tag description for each post in blogger.

Adding Meta Tag Description for each post in Blogger:

By following the above instructions you came to know how to add a meta description for your homepage. Now, I am going to describe how to add meta tag description for each post in blogger.
At the time of writing a new post or editing old one, now you can see a new feature named "Search Description" in the right sidebar. It was disable before. But, after adding meta tag description for home page it is enabled automatically for each post. Here, you can tell the search engines about your each post.

Please, follow the following steps:
  • Take attempt to write a new topic.
  • Look at your right sidebar.
  • Click on the "Search Description".
  • Then, input your meta description for each post and Done.

Meta description tags are very important for content optimization. You should define your meta description carefully. And meta description must contains the primary keywords. Remember that, a meta description is an important factor in SEO.

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