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Boost Your Video Engagement with YouTube Comments

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 1/24/2025 Categories: |


     In the competitive world of YouTube, engagement is king. One effective strategy to enhance your channel's visibility is to Buy YouTube Comments. Thoughtful, relevant comments can make your video appear more engaging and credible, attracting organic interactions and increasing watch time. By sparking conversations, your video becomes more appealing to both viewers and YouTube’s algorithm, boosting its ranking. However, authenticity is key—choose services that provide real, meaningful comments aligned with your content. When used strategically alongside quality content and organic growth efforts, purchasing YouTube comments can be a powerful tool to amplify your channel’s success.

10 Best Websites for Free Software Download.

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 5/27/2014 Categories:

We need various kinds of software to do our daily work on the Computer. There are some high pricing softwares. But, it's not possible for most people buying them. So, they look for websites to download free software. Free software doesn't mean completely free. You can download only pro versions of those kinds of softwares. 

But, there are other kind of softwares which are completely free. They are called open source software. Open source is a pretty new idea that has acquired a huge popularity in the field of IT in recent years. This is mainly because open source software is completely free of charges. As it is developed by non-profit organizations, sometimes it has disadvantages also. Here's a short list of reliable sites for Free Software Download.

How to Create a New Page on Blogger Blog?

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 5/25/2014 Categories: |

Blogging is done through posts and not with the pages. Each post should be categorized so that, visitors can find their desired article easily. But, pages don't have labels and tags. Pages are not indexed by Search Engine Crawlers as your posts. Pages are static, without date and time and not listed in the RSS, and don't have sharing or commenting options. A website should have it's own Privacy Policy page, Contact Us page etc. So, how to  create a new page?


Create a Contact Us Page on Your Blogger Blog.

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 5/24/2014 Categories:

Do you want to receive feedback from your readers? Then, you have to create a Contact Us page on your blog. Contact Us page is not too glamorous, but a very important page of a website. No website should be without a Contact Us or Feedback form.

By a contact us page, you can get close to your visitors. If one of your visitors wants to know something or to give a feedback to you, then he can use it. Your site would be proved as a helpful site to visitors. Thus, you can get more traffics to your site. Here's my Contact Us page. After this tutorial, you can create your own Contact Us page easily in three steps:

50 High PR Do-Follow Forum List - 2014

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 5/22/2014 Categories:

Backlinks are regarded as one of the key factors in the field of SEO. Backlinks help your site a lot to get a good ranking in Search Engine Results. Search Engine Crawlers often check the number of quality backlinks to a site. So, if you have backlinks from high PR sites, then you will be placed in the first few pages of Google Search Results. And, if your blog post is ranked on top of Google, definitely you will get lots of traffic. So, building quality backlinks is the most important way to increase traffic to your site and also to increase Alexa rank of your site.

Forum posting can be a nice way to promote your contents to your niche group. But, most of us do it in the wrong way. Having focused on promoting links can be regarded as spamming by most webmasters. As a result, you can be banned from a site. Moreover, we do some great mistakes in link building process. So, you must be careful during forum posting.

Top 15 Tips to Increase Alexa Rank of Your Site.

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 5/19/2014 Categories: |

People judge a site in many ways, such as: Google Page Rank, Alexa Traffic Rank, Moz Rank etc. Even advertisers examine your Alexa Rank to advertise on your blog/website. Alexa Ranking is a most important factor for your site. It's mostly related to increase traffic to your site. and Alexa Ranking: is a part of which define ranking of a site. It provides an analytics that figure out of your website. was started in 1996. By this time, they have added many features.

Alexa Ranking is a grading/ranking system centered on the number of page views of a site for the people with the Alexa toolbar installed. That means when visitors with the Alexa toolbar installed on their browser visit your site, your Alexa Rank will boost up. Though, it depends upon many elements, I can say that, a site having a good number of visitors and with regular updates may always have a good Alexa Rank. You have to create an account on

How to Increase Alexa Ranking of Your Blog/Website:

With a good Alexa Ranking, you can ask higher prices for advertisements on your site and attract more new advertisers. There are a few things to do to increase your Alexa Ranking. Now, check the tips given below:

Tips- 1: Do SEO for Your Site:

You have to attract more visitors to your site. It's only possible if your site places on the first few pages in Search Engine Results. At first, I will give you some On-page and Off-page Optimization tips-
  • Use proper keywords in your page title, description and domain name,
  • Use proper keywords in meta title,
  • Use Image Alt. tag,
  • Use proper Anchor texts.

Tips- 2: Write Quality and Regular Content:

Quality content is the first and foremost thing to increase traffic to your site. And, the more you get traffic, the more chances of getting higher Alexa Ranking. Good content always strikes high ranking in SERP's. Write on a regular basis. This will definitely help you to boost your Alexa Ranking.

Tips- 3: Download and Install Alexa Toolbar:

Alexa Toolbar is the best way to keep track of your site. When visitors (with Alexar toolbar installed on their browser) visit your site, it helps a lot to increase your Alexa Ranking. You should install Alexa Toolbar on your browser. 

Tips- 4: Claim/Verify Your Website:

You have to claim or verify your site at It helps you to get better Alexa Ranking. It needs some simple steps. Go to the below link: put your homepage URL and then continue. Then, you have to copy a simple code and place it in your HTML section of your site.

Tips- 5: Keep an Alexa Rank Widget:

Keeping an Alexa Rank Widget on your site will also help you to boost up Alexa Ranking. It displays the current status of your blog/site on every page of your site. An advertiser can make decision if there's an advertisement on your site.

Tips- 6: Encourage Others to Install Alexa Toolbar:

It's important to make sure that, your visitors have installed Alexa Toolbar on their browser. You can create a custom Alexa Toolbar from here and let your visitors (including your friends, fellow webmasters) installed the toolbar. It will help you to drive more traffic to your site.

Tips- 7: Write a Post or Review about Alexa on Your Blog:

Alexa loves a site containing reviews about it. So, write a review about and Alexa Ranking and put a link back to Moreover, most webmasters and bloggers like to read about increasing Alexa Rank. If you get more visitors who are blogger or webmasters then, your Alexa Rank will increase faster because all the techy people must be installed the Alexa toolbar on their browser.

Tips- 8: Write More Related to Webmaster:

Write more about Blogging, Internet Marketing, SEO and related to webmasters. Because, people who like this kind of contents are mostly webmaster. Thus, you can get more visitors installed Alexa toolbar on their browser. Feel free to share your content on webmaster forums. This will effect on your Alexa Ranking.

Tips- 9: Try Alexa Auto Surf:

This kind of Traffic Exchange Programs bring a lot of traffic to your site who have installed the Alexa toolbar. I think, these are most fruitful for new websites with a very poor Alexa Rank. But, these aren't a long term solution to increase your Alexa Rank. Because, it often increases your bounce rate.

Tips- 10: Ask for Reviews:

Positive reviews will surely do wonders for your rank. If you have a reliable user base, you can request your visitors to write reviews about your site. If you are a newbie, get some friends do it for you at the beginning.

Tips- 11: Create Quality Backlinks:

A good number of quality backlinks are always necessary for your site's Page Rank. As a result, you can get more visitors. Try to make do-follow link because, Search Engines avoid the no-follow link while crawling and indexing your site.

Tips- 12: Be Busy on Social Networking Sites:

Social Networking sites are reliable platform to share your posts or site. You can use Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Digg, Stumble Upon etc. to get publicity. As a result, you can get a maximum number of visitors to your site which have a positive impact on your Alexa Ranking.

Tips- 13: Submit Your Site to Directories: 

It's an another best way to get more traffic to your site. People find their desired sites by searching in web directories. Directories show websites in definite category. It helps you to make inbound links to your site.

Tips- 14: Submit Your Site in Blog Directories:

It's a better way to get publicity. By submitting your blog to Blog Directories, you can attract more traffics to your blog. 

Tips- 15: Increase Guest Blogging:

Try to write a guest post on high PR Guest Blogging Sites. It'll help you much to build backlinks. Having a good number of backlinks in high PR sites will help you to get high PR and to improve Alexa Ranking. During guest blogging, you should keep in mind that: Only quality contents can drive visitors to your site.

Improving your Alexa Ranking is a long term process. When your site is visible in the first few pages of a Search Engine Results, there'll be more and more visitors to your site. Better Alexa Ranking means popular website which is visited by thousands of visitors per day. So, you should make your site useful and qualitative. I think, the first two tips are the most important to improve your Alexa level. 
Thanks a lot. Happy Blogging!

Easiest Way to Submit Your Blogger Sitemap in Bing.

Posted by: Helal Uddin on 5/15/2014 Categories: | |

Many of new bloggers have a blog spot blog. And they are worried about their blogs' indexing in various Search Engines. You have to add your blog and submit a sitemap to Google, as well as Bing Webmaster Tools. Being Indexed in various Search Engine will help you to increase traffic to your site.
Today, I am going to discuss about submitting a sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tool.

How to Add a Site and Submit a Sitemap to Bing:

You need a Microsoft Account to submit your sitemap in Bing. If you don't have a Microsoft account (that means Hotmail), you have to create a "Hotmail Account".

Now please, follow the steps:
  • Go to Bing Webmaster Tool.
  • Sign In with your Hotmail account.
  • In the new page: Just click on "ADD YOUR SITE". Here's a screenshot:
  • A new page- About My Website is opened. In the box of URL- Paste your Homepage URL. 
  • Now, copy the code given below. Replace "Your Blog Domain" by your homepage URL.

http://www.YOUR BLOG DOMAIN/atom.xml?

  • Paste it in the box of Add a Sitemap. Then, click- ADD.

  • In the next page: You will be asked to verify ownership for your site. There are 3 options to verify. 
  • Choose- "Option 2: Copy and paste a <meta> tag in your default webpage. 
  • Here's a code just like as given below:
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" />

  • Copy the code. Don't close this window. Here's a screenshot:
  • Now, go to your Blogger Dashboard>Template>Edit Template.
  • Your sites' HTML editor is opened. Find: <head> (by pressing Ctrl+F).
  • Now, Paste the code (which you copied from Bing) under the <head>
  • Then, Save Template.
  • Back to your Bing Webmaster window. Here, you'll find the button "Verify" at the bottom of the page. Click on - "Verify".
  • If you have more than 500 posts, you will need to submit another sitemap. To do this: click on "Submit a Sitemap". Copy the code given below (as you need) and paste in the box. Then, Submit.

For Posts between: 501 – 1000

For Posts between: 1001 – 1500

Congratulations, You have successfully added your site and submit a sitemap to Bing. Bing will verify your site and start indexing within short time. Basically, it takes almost 7 days to show data of your new site. So, be patient.

Increase Indexing in Bing:

Sometimes, you need to ping to Bing. Ping means to inform Search Engines about your blog links. It should be done only when you'll notice that, your new blog posts don't get indexed in time by Search Engines. But, don't do it more and more. You can do this for once just after your blog submission.

To Ping, just follow the steps:
  • Copy the link given below (If you have posts only less than 500, then, just copy the 1st link). Replace "Your Blog Domain" by your homepage URL. Paste the link in your browsers' address bar and press "Enter".

LINK-1: For Posts between 1-500 Blog

LINK-2: For Posts between 5001-1000 Blog

LINK-3: For Posts between 1001-1500 Blog

  • If you have posts more than 500, then you have to copy the links given one after another and follow the steps (If needed).
  • You will get a message as like as this one: Thanks for submitting your Sitemap. Join the Bing Webmaster Tools to see your Sitemaps status and more reports on how you are doing on Bing.
Tips: Submit every new posts in Bing:

You can also submit your newly published posts in Bing to index it quickly. It gives you 100% results  in Indexing your posts in time. To do this:
  • Go to- "Click Here".
  • Paste your post URL in the box of- Type the URL of your homepage.
  • Finish the captcha entry.
  • Then, click on- "Submit".
This is a complete tutorial about how to submit your blogger sitemap to Bing. I think, it should be very helpful to you. If you have any problem, then feel free to ask me a quastion.
thanks a lot.